
my first experience with the realm
of horror movies — was during my last
year of elementary school

one night, during our grade eight graduation class
trip to quebec city, my friends and i had decided
to rent a vcr and a video from the hotel.

the selection was indeed limited
— it being the first time we were all away
from home — no one could contest our decisions
— as our teachers did not care — as long
as we behaved.

in fact one night the entire class had attended
dinner at a local greek restaurant where our guardians
had been offered alcohol —  needless to say two of the three
did not drink so one of our caretakers downed three
shots one right after the other of flamin\’ sambuca

i clearly remember the experience
because every single time i see a pair
of lips i am reminded of anightmare on elm
street 3: dream warriors & fiery coffee beans floating
on a shot glass pool of alcohol. The film was about a bunch
of patients in a mental ward — one was an addict with streak
marks up and down his arm… well freddie decided
he would turn his finger knives into syringes
— in lieu streak marks lips made an appearance
with both a puckery sound and movement.

it creeped me out in a fashion — that when
i start to discuss it — the hairs on my arms
start to rise as they are right now too bad
this is a poem otherwise i could have taken
a picture – but i think you get the idea.

needless to say, one experience
which has remained seared in my core
— brought on i\’m sure from that snippet
of stand by me i caught on the television

this past weekend. 

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